Friday, August 24, 2007

And Who Did Justice Lanzinger Say Gave Her the Idea to Run for the Supreme Court? 'Master Noe'

Justice Judith Ann Lanzinger Inauguration SpeechJan. 7, 2005

Good morning everyone! How wonderful to be here, celebrating this grand occasion in this magnificent room. Dear Chief Justice Moyer, you are very kind to have administered the oath and I appreciate the presence of the Justices, my new colleagues. Governor Taft, what an honor to have you here, especially when you made such generous remarks. To reassure all of you, since the election, my judicial philosophy remains unchanged. Although representatives from the Executive branch, and members of the General Assembly are here, I will NOT be joining either group. As a member of the third branch, I look forward to working along side of them, in the judiciary, to interpret, rather than make or enforce the law.

As you can see, looking around, this is a very personal event for me. I've been amazed by the outpouring of good wishes from all of you. In the audience today there are some very dear old friends --as well as many new friends, including those watching on the webcast. I wish I could name you all individually and certainly want to talk to each of you before the day is over. But I must take time to tell you just a bit about the participants in today's event.

Tom Noe, our Master of Ceremonies today and campaign chair this last year is a wonderful friend. He and Bernadette were the first to suggest that I run for Justice Sweeney's position. I was stunned at the time, but yet now here we are! Thanks for all you have done for me. Thanks also to the FOP which provided our color guard this morning. I'm happy so many of you could be here. Next, Sister Diana Lynn Eckel –She has known me since I was 14 years old and represents a most significant portion of my life. For we were in the convent together and she was my “guardian angel”—the person who showed me the ropes and who was a good friend to me for the 6 years I was there. We've stayed close, even now as she is the Mother Superior of the order. To all the sisters in the audience—welcome. The golden-throated Christine Dever is married to my very first law clerk, Tim. Their son Jack was born on the day I was sworn into Toledo Municipal Court, and their son Tom is my godson—so a special thanks to the Dever family for being here. I'm proud to have someone from northwest Ohio representing the attorneys of the state and no one could do that better than Reg Jackson, a former president of both the Ohio and Toledo Bar Associations. Finally, Father Billian the pastor St. Patrick's Historic, our parish in Toledo as well as a family friend, will provide a concluding blessing. Thanks to all of you, and the many other people who traveled some distance to be here in questionable weather. I'm so glad you did.
Let me note that the young lady who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance is my step-granddaughter, Jordan Spidel. Good job, honey. My family is here, as you saw from the swearing-in itself: this day would be incomplete without them all. Robert, my husband of 37 years is the bearded one with the big smile (that's from knowing no more campaigning for at least 6 years). Of our two children, I have to mention our son Joshua first, because he wasn't able to be at the formal oath taking for the appellate court 2 years ago because he was in Iraq . Fortunately, his tour of duty is complete and he is back to practicing law in Toledo. Our daughter, Mara and her husband Doug Spidel are also Toledo attorneys and brought our grandchildren Jordan, John Robert and Jade Elise with them. Bob's sister Lynn Harman and her son, Luke also are here, but unfortunately we are missing my mother, Dorothy Hodorowski, and my sister, Janice Kruest, who are back in Toledo, due to my mother's health. We do miss them but because of the miracle of modern technology, I'm able to say—Hi mom! Hi Sis! We're fortunate to be able to create a video for them to see later.
Many people said that although I had run for judicial offices for the last 20 years, that they did not know so much about my background until this last year. Well, when you're trying to introduce yourself to the entire state of Ohio and make folks comfortable with you as a candidate for the Supreme Court, you must be willing to share personal information. So “Judge Judy”, the carpenter's daughter and coal-miner's granddaughter, took to the airwaves. Apparently it worked, because as it turns out, two and a half million of my closest friends actually did vote for me.
I'm now joining a line of 143 men and 6 women to become the 150th justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio. What a privilege and what an honor! Especially so, since this is the first judicial inauguration in the renovated Ohio Judicial Center. Little did I know in 1977 after graduating from the University of Toledo College of Law that someday I would have the opportunity to serve Toledo on the municipal court, to serve Lucas County on the court of common pleas and to serve Northwest Ohio on the 6th district court of appeals. Becoming a justice of the Ohio Supreme Court was beyond my wildest imagination or my biggest dream.
Justices, of course can make no promises about how they intend to handle cases. But I can assure you that I'll work hard during this term of office. Because each case is important to the parties, each case will receive my attention and best efforts. I'll try to write logically sound and legally defensible opinions. Joining a collegial bench for this collaborative appellate work will be a delight.
No one ever gets elected alone. To all—campaign coordinators, friends, volunteers, contributors-- who saw me through the last challenging year, many, many thanks. Each person who Tom has introduced has helped me along the way. I must acknowledge my Treasurer, Mark La Place, who kept the campaign on the straight and narrow financially, Brian Hicks and his associates and my two right hand women, Amy Jenkins and Sara Salupo. I've always had fine people to work with me during my years as an attorney and judge. Many of those judges, attorneys and staff are here today—how grand is that! I'm looking forward to the future with Sandy Ringer, Lora Peters and David Harold at my side as well as with all the dedicated employees of the Supreme Court who work in this fabulous building. I know it will be a very good six years.
My prayer for my very first oath taking in 1985 was from the 3 Book of Kings. It was the petition of Solomon, that wise old man: “Lord, give to thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people and discern between good and evil.” These words still have much meaning and I would ask for and would appreciate your continuing prayers so I can be a good justice for all Ohioans. Today is a time for celebration and for gratitude. I'm so glad you all are here. You shared in the effort—now please share in the glory! THANK YOU from my whole heart.
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