Today, in Ohio, we are experiencing what the African Americans in the south
experienced in the 1900's, after slavery was supposedly demolished.
We have a court which has yet in our time to have a single black member ever
serving on it
The politics of this situation is merely reflective of how power, real political power in the
North and particulary in a major bellweather state like Ohio, is truly retrogade.
This has only become increasingly and painfully obvious that Ohio's politics
are today, more reflective of a culture that is deeply mired in the retarded historical
past than it is real, genuine and modern. We have a court which is clearly dominated
by white males and females who are extremely conservative who have ties to shadow
corporate and special interest fund raisers and even some members who have
ties to latent white supremecy groups who operate in the dark in powerful circles
in Ohio.
We have a supreme court which also maintains its political dominance and consistency
thru major corporate interests and large corporate law firms who operate with powerful
agendas for the citizens and policies of the State of Ohio.
There is no relief in sight either, politically, despite the Democratic victory in last
years's Governor's race.
The Ohio democractic party is so weak statewide, that even when they caputured the governors and two other significant elected statewide offices, they could not even get a highly
respected, well known and very exprienced and former Columbus city councilman elected
over that of a very out of the way, unknown minor republican former legislator
from severely depressed Lima Ohio area of the state, who has questionable ties to
white supremecy groups in northwest Ohio.
Beyond race and the politics of an era which belongs to a historical past of America,
the Supreme Court of Ohio now operates with a full panel [all seven] of its justices who are rock ribed republican and white.
They do not reflect the state nor its true genuine demographics much less its progressive
portion of the electorate.
The Supreme Court of Ohio operates on a very narrow political agenda: to protect and serve like any good cop, the best interests of those who hold concentrated wealth and power and to further the interests of those who control the money game and the legal and political system for their narrowly drawn political and social and economic interests.
This is not exactly earth shaking news for the State of Ohio. But what is odd, is just like the
Bush administration has been called out not for being a conservative or republican administration only, but rather for its extreme excesses in many areas of its policy and real 'applied politics' of a particular and expressly extreme right wing agenda which seems to generate more within the Board rooms of a few idealogical driven right wing think tanks and
from within corporate Board rooms, than that within the office of the people that they were elected to hold and serve.
The same is true of the present all white, conservative and extremely elitist present
Ohio Supreme Court.
The have demonstrated, that not only do they often make decisions based on the amount of funds donated to their campaigns by the larger corporate interests when they have actual cases pending before them, they also have clearly demonstrate that they are quite capable of eliminating their potential legal and political opponents in the most severe and rude fashion, ignoring the rule of law, by direct engagement of those who have dared to differ with their donor's interests and their own conservative, corporate right wing agenda and juridprudence.
Oftentimes, the story can get lost in the details but the truth doesn't die away or necessarily fade away even when buried in the vault of lies and deception, that only such a high court can itself create and then place within.
They do this, oftentimes, to the individual judicial or long and distinguish and hard earned solo legal career in as if he or she were being placed inside a gulag or dissenter's prison cell inside the old soviet system.
This present Court lead by Chief Justice from small very white and otherwise distant area of the state originally, has engaged at times, in extrememely personal politics, sometimes, in ways that are simply mind boggling and they do it in a manner which evinces the hypocrisy of their professed goals and their so called "high moral aims" for the profession of law. They make a mockery of something called the Due process of law and what many today are calling the
'rule of law'.
This same 'chief' was put into office by powerful insurance and corporate law firms and interests over twenty years ago. He has now acheived similar "parity" for the rest of the seats on the same court he has administratively led for the better part of two decades. this has had enormous impact on the political make up of the courts's of Ohio and for the entire legal profession in Ohio.
When bad courts, like bad people, use terminology which denotes one thing but actually serves their selfish and highly concentrated and narrow powerful friends interests alone, they lie. When a court professes in public to singularly concerned for a 'rule of law' and for the
"good of the public" but yet employ methods and systems which deny the most basic tenet of any system founded upon the 'rule of law' to its own members when challenged, something more than a serious disconnect is at work.
This blog, is dedicated to exposing the soft underbelly of this present Ohio white supremecy council and its politics and donor interests, through the posting of very highly detailed articles of major news papers like the New York Times and other very objective and highly researched
publications and reports which are tracking the major donor interests of this present trend among state courts in such critical states like Ohio.
We also will use personal, well documented narratives which have been researched as well as express informed opinion to demonstrate the validity of what is presented herein.
What it intends, is for the public to become aware of, even if its only a minority of people or voters, who dare to challenge this kind of authority and this kind of concentrated wealth and societial control, is for educational and public awareness and to "inform" on the informant driven state.
The public is being treated cynically by such a court given the modern society's demands on its time and ability to focus and concentrate on any one others issues and serious concerns.
when a court speaks thru its journal entries, it is supposedly to have some semblance to a well documented and well balanced, if not researched conclusion and opinion.
The presumption of a such a high court opinion is that it has been, at a minimum, vetted and found to be able to withstand serious scrutiny. Is this in fact, true about many of the opinions of this present court especially as it relates to individual lawyers and some judges whom they have targeted for elimination and retaliation? We are living not in a free and open society as one might thing and its not unlike living in a mexican junta state of being or within a eastern bloc soviet system right here in the north, in the midwest, today, if one cares to seriously and with a dedicated committement to human rights to seriously challenge one's own government and its status quo system of socetial control and its means of "apllied law and order"
The state's dominance in such areas is practically all but absolute as it applies to the individual and to the individual's lawyer and others ....not in some third world but right here in the heart of it all, Ohio. We are in effect, maintaining a very high pretense if we as citizens actually believe the state, any state, but particularly the courts of ohio as a 'state' wishes for the individual to have the ability to hire effective counsel and in turn be able to vindicate his or her most fundamental human rights today, right inside of this all important bell weather state, called Ohio.
Individual human rights to this present court mean very little, no matter what kind of pretense they project inside some of their more moral statements on the subject inside of their public disclosures on the subject and lectures to various legal foundations and groups.
They lie and lie seriously as a government and an important branch of this democratic experiment, particular inside a large northern highly politically relevant State such as Ohio.
These very special interests who have backed such a court and have helped to mold such a court as we now presently enjoy in Ohio are those who are able to not only benefit from its
all white superior position but they also clearly and completely control the conversation in Ohio among all lawyers and judges as to what is reality and what isn't.
Its this last trend within the court system of Ohio [and its not limited to Ohio only but that is another topic] is clearly the most dangerous, if not the most damaging and threatening to
the concept of what it means to be a lawyer operating within a free and open society.
When a young [or middle age or older] american goes to law school, he dreams of the day
he can use his hard earned education and study and all that training, to advocate for the rights of his clients in a way that is not asymetrical with the best ideals of this country.
Its not unlike basic training for the soldier in the military in some ways. The weapons he or she learns to use inside the legal profession are not weapons of a phyisical nature; they are weapons of concepts and words and ideas, often words which have to placed concisely down on paper.
What the solo lawyer represents in effect, is when he or she gets out of school and after the first few years of unsteadiness, when he or she is still learning most of his trade's basics, is a beacon and he or she becomes in legal status in effect, 'a watcher' or "keeper of the gate"
We are become in many ways, like the sentries of old, who watched the city's towers and walls, only within the field of ideas and real genuine applied political doctrine inside these United States.
Its not unlike a dedicated soldier who is watching for anything suspicious that could threaten the well being of the body politic of the people and the masses common good.
We are in fact, not unlike such "forward obervers" and/or 'first responders' in this sense.
At least that was the role conceived of by the founders and the framers and the role of the profession as a whole in the earliest days.
What many today, perceive of lawyers is that which special interests want you to believe about lawyers; they only care about money and they only care about taking from the system, and often, sadly, thru immense pressure, this has become a self fullfilling prophesy of those who have remained within the system, unfortunately today.
But the higher ideals of what every good criminal defense lawyer understands and what many others in the profession know even if they chose not to agree or promote the same, within their own practice or particular befief system, is that the lawyer who defends his client within the bounds of the law in a manner which serves to promote the nations' deep committment to the concept of Due Process and the constitutional safeguards contained in the Bill of Rights and the related reconstruction era amendments to the same; they are engaging in a process which not unlike the military who have served long to protect the interests of the country, they are in fact, engaging in a long and dedicated tradition in this nation and others, which only serves to promote both human dignity and human rights in the best sense of the word.
When such a lawyer becomes a 'break out' lawyer in some regional sense of the term and when he or she begins to distinquish his or herself, inside this profession thru hard work and thru much hard fought victorys, even extreme personal and professional risks, which only those who have fought such battles can truly appreciate...just like any good soldier understands, just how significant such efforts are and what sacrifices are required to win such a battle...
...there comes a time when in our system of present political persuasion that the system either accepts or rejects this kind of lawyer as a model for the profession and the community or 'world' or public to then accept or reject as its ideal also.
Today, we have a system, an all white supreme court which is making a clear decision on what side of that decision they are choosing to hold up to the world and the region and to the legal profession of Ohio as to what they believe they want lawyers to represent and model.
They do this, not from within the time honored sensibilities of the profession itself as if the standards of the profession are the thing that is their standard of justice or measure for making their own determination or judgment of such a lawyer or judge who they find weighed in their balance; they are instead, acting as corporate fascist exhibiting not the will of the people, or the will of those who have long ago established the liberal ideal within the legal profession to stand for the unpopular, the disenfranchised, the accused, the 'apparently' wronged or guilty, and to do the christlike thing and give one's efforts and high training to ensure that such vulnerable ones among us do not become subject to a medevil system of laws and false accusations and star chamber like justice.
What we see, instead, is these very powerful special and narrow interests now have completely dominance over and thru the third branch of government in Ohio; the court is a mere mouthpiece; not for the law itself, but for those powerful economic and worse, narrow political retarding interests, which have completely dominated the last three statewide elections in Ohio, despite the executive branch victories as referenced bove, inside this court system.
In turn, they have completely bought the highest court of this state in order to control and decry and re-mould the "lawyer advocate" in their own eyes, for their own special interests and purposes.
In a word, the "white knight" model of what it means to be an human being and a lawyer who happens to believe not first in the state, nor in social adhesion philosophies, like some eastern religious does, but believes in the very western concept of the individual human being, first, is no longer to be tolerated within this profession in accordance with the express pronouncements and orders and standards evinced by this present modern era Ohio all republican white supreme court.
We have a problem wherein a state supreme court in the north is acting like the worst of the courts ever acted in the by gone, "southern strategy" days; i.e social and political and even at times, economic philosophy within and under their sphere of influence is viewed by these powerful justices and this high court collectively, as something to be utilized AGAINST individuality and individual person hood and the ideal of the progressive or literary if not romantic concept of the progressive dedicated lawyer working on behalf of his individual client who is fighting the system and all the odds that are attendant in engaging in such a fight.
There is no middle ground in this very real and very idealogically driven battle either. The court has made it clear in Ohio today; they want lawyers to end such "silliness" and 'get with it' and "fall in line" and to NOT present ANY problem to authority in Ohio regardless of the justness of the cause or the individual lawyers prior experience or abilities.
We are threatened continously as lawyers inside of the State of Ohio with the loss of face, with the loss of reputations and with the loss of our licenses to practice what we learned years before and thru hard personal and dedicated effort was the very ideal that drove us into this profession in the first instance; the ability to make a difference and do good for others and to uphold the deepest and highest ideals of this american experience; especially where it counts for those who have so often not had this kind of experience within their own private american experience.
We as solo and small firm lawyers know what it means to confront the power of either the state prosecutors who are breathing hot and heavy against an american citizen for whatever reason.
We are also who know first hand just how much power the special interests [i.e. the insurance companies and their friends either on various courts or in various powerful lobbyist positions or in the face of puny state legistlatures who sniff the behind constantly of such same human recreants] have within any given political cycle or given court case or judicial district.
Its the ability to control the hearts and minds of the people, which wins an insurgency or battle in today's world; Iraq is a clear example. We did not learn the lesson amazingly so, in Vietnam. Our present military leaders in Iraq and Washington forgot Vietnam and wanted to forget its lessons so badly, so deeply that they did so again, only to have it repeat their very same mistakes all over again, in this so called war on Iraq.
What is the result, much much damage the that part of the world, to much of america's best policies and interests and national honor and most importantly, the loss always comes home to the individual woman, man and child who pays the utlimate price for such policy failures and lack of wisdom and insight.
The same is true when the Ohio Supreme Court issues falsely drawn and even illigitmately derrived opinions. Becuase this court has such an impact on the tone of all things related to the people's best interests and ability to "petition their government" inside courts of law as any effective democracy requires, what it says and does concerning its own members and the tone it takes towards what it will tolerate among lawyers and what it does in reaching such opinions
is of monumental consequence.
What we are doing here, with this blog is sound a deep warning; hopefully it will be not unlike Jefferson's "fire bell in the night", when finally at age 80, he realized what they in the south had truly done in setting this nation on the course and date with destiny called the civil war, over the 'southern question' and its "particular institution".
What this country is facing is a mircosm of what is happening in real time, with my law license and within the State of Ohio's politically dominante all white republican supreme court; the loss of applied values and balanced understanding towards those who have sacrificed everything for the good of the people if not for the few individuals whom he or she has had the honor to represent, and do it as effectively and strongly as he or she can, is being so discounted by the powerful and the rich and those who ARE the face of not their own 'actualized' values, because in reality , they have none, because they are hollow individuals themselves, but are merely the human mirrors of a far more sinister cabal of powerful special interests who themselves are finite in number.
The ends of what they do, do not justify the means either. They profess they do what they do in fact, for the 'better of the public good' and to 'uphold the standards of the profession'
In fact, what they are doing is ignoring the whole picture, the whole truth and the same for their god's sake; their god is their earthly concerns and their private special interests who dominate this court today in Ohio.
they are small people who have seldomed dreamed of anything approaching what those who they steal their law licenses from; they have only dreamed of holding power but not the dream of freedom of the accused individual facing 25 years in prison, if one doesn't get his or her argument and case down right.
What these have dreamed of is denying the right to have an individual stand against his entire city's police department and all of its officials and brass and say, in a very american and solo gruff and gritty manner; 'you have wrong me and in american this will not be tolerated'
These presently serving the Ohio Supreme Court do NOT understand what its like to truly advocate in such circumstances for such americans who have dared to differe wtih not only the persuasion of the day, but their very city halls.
The lawyer who has done this and done this effectively enought to bring about such social change as humanly possible with God's grace, to his world or his local community ought not be light dismissed by these who have never done or acted or ever even approached doing something like this, in their entire legal careers and sign off on him or her as being a
'liar and a fraud'...
When they do so, they only exhibit the moral worth of themselves and their worthiness as true american elected representatives of the people whom they are supposedly in office to serve.
What a solo lawyer has to endure in order to survive may not be worth the exchange. But when such a lawyer voluntarily and repeatedly sacrifices himself or herself in such deep conversations and debates and individual civil matters as those which he has, it is a very very disappointing and strongly repugnant experience to have members of his own profession state such things that they have about him, when they have never ever taken a walk in his shoes or even ever considered doing the same.
These who make such judgments, are in fact, judging themselves into a world that they themselves do not either truly espouse nor would stand for; the clearly would not live one mintue the life that i have and i have determined to live, regardly of worldly success, in order to fulfill the prophet of Isiah's 'fast'; to lift the burdens off of the oppressed and to let the prisoner go free.
Its not a particularly religous experience either, but one of geniune truthful and faithadherence to the ideal, that people and human rights matter and justice among this
nation ought not be dispensed by and for those who are elite members of some particular political persuasion and economic class.
So, here, as in others, the word begins to get out...and it does, in a way, that are intended
targets of our spiritual weapons, are that which would dare so mis lable and so abuse us, with
the same kind of deliberate indifference that out of control and rogue police officers and cheifs have run their unlawful and repugnant local police departments against american citizens right here in Ohio and the midwest for decades.
When those of us who confront such power do so, we often get bruised, maligned and abused. We kind of expect this from our opponents in the modern world of police and governemnt officials in general; we also tolerate some of this, from those within the political warp and woof of such highly idealogical driven efforts.
But, when we find it among those in high courts, we disocver a whole new political trend and meaning of the term 'conversative', which is backed by raw economic and state political power.
We will be duly punished and duly discounted and subjected to even more powerful pronouncements of our lives and our backgrounds, even our character.
Such the same is to be expected in reality our faith, our true Judge, tells us. Knowing this,
we begin here to take a stand, once again and to fight back with words against such otherwise meaningless and empty but powerful political labeling mechanisms as some of us in Ohio, have been recently subjected to by the highest court in this state.
This is a blog devoted solely to this particular fight and to this particular issue and its again
one done for preserving the most senstive and perhaps most important aspect of an entire
individual's life; the right to self determine his own legacy, his own memory and what his life's work and dedication has been and what it truly is worth, as opposed to some modern jurist's
views of the same, depsite and in derrogation of their ignorance and their own inflated self-importance and opinions regarding the same.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
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